IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody
New design management server for IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody

IBM Rhapsody Model Manager family
IBM Rhapsody Model Manager family
IBM® Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody® is a proven model-baseddesign, development and test environment for systems engineers and software engineers. Capabilities include
- UML, SysML, and AUTOSAR-based modeling
- UML-based and AUTOSAR-based software development
- Enterprise-level modeling using DoDAF, MODAF, UPDM, and UAF
- Continuous model validation via rapid simulation, prototyping and execution to address errors earlier when they are least costly to fix.
- Model-based testing of models and of model-related source code, to identify model and code regressions and other errors quickly, at less cost
- Supporting compliance with standards such as DO-178 B/C, ISO 26262, and more, via defined Rhapsody-assisted workflows
The IBM Rhapsody Model Manager server enables you to derive additional value from Rhapsody, via collaborative engineering:
- Enable multiple engineers to work on the same model
- Enable easy sharing of content across models
- Incorporate other engineering artifacts, such as requirements, test cases, and work items such as tasks and defect records, into your models.
- Enable non-modelers to examine and review models, via the Web
Rhapsody, enhanced with Rhapsody Model Manager, is a solution that helps bring the value of Model Based Engineering to the entire team.
Note that RMM manages ONLY Rhapsody models! It doesn't manage other models, such as Simulink. So, we need to be careful when we describe capabilities that were available in Design Manager but which are no longer available in RMM.
Improve productivity of MBSE and Agile development
The Rhapsody family provides tailored solutions for Systems Engineers and Software Developers.
Product editions:
Provides an IDE for embedded software that helps you rapidly move from design to implementation
Collaborative design management software that helps share, trace, review and manage designs
Provides an integrated systems engineering environment for analyzing project requirements
Provides a collaborative, model-based systems engineering development environment to improve productivity with advanced validation and simulation features
A visual model-driven environment for development, validation, test, and documentation of real-time and embedded applications